Sugar, Nicotine and Dopamine

How are Nicotine and Dopamine Related?

1. Why does sugary foods make you feel good?

2. How is dopamine related to nicotine?

3. How dangerous is nicotine abuse on the Internet?

4. Loving yourself is also a positive emotion

There are many things to say about vape and the most in this world must be the diversity in the myriad of flavors contained in the bottles of essential oils, sour, salty, and sweet, even a lot. Scientifically, when it comes to sweetness, the thing that people most easily associate with is probably sugar. When you eat or drink something with sugar, your body will immediately start secreting a very special hormone. This hormone is associated with a pleasant feeling and it is very addictive. Vape essential oils do not contain sugar but it has another substance that helps create sweetness called sweetener to simulate the feeling of sweetness on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue. Don’t get me wrong, sweetener can bring sweetness but it does not stimulate the brain to secrete this hormone.

Does dopamine play a role in nicotine addiction?

Yes. It’s the pleasurable effect of increased dopamine that makes you crave nicotine and possibly become addicted. Your body wants to continue having that pleasurable sensation, which in turn encourages you to keep using nicotine.

As you continue to smoke, the amount of nicotine receptors in your brain increases. People who get addicted to smoking tend to have more of these receptors than people who don’t smoke.

The more nicotine receptors you have, the more you need to smoke in order to trigger your dopamine response.

Researchers believeTrusted Source that it is nicotine’s effect on dopamine that leads to behavioral changes and addiction.

When do dopamine levels return to normal after quitting nicotine?

If you quit smoking nicotine, your dopamine levels will begin to return to usual levels. However, it may take up to 3 months for your dopamine levels to stabilize after you quit nicotine.

Also, once you’re able to stop smoking, the amount of nicotine receptors in your brain will start to go back to typical levels. This will reduce the frequency and intensity of your cravings over time.

Resources for quitting smoking

It’s not easy to give up smoking. Nearly 70%Trusted Source of adults who smoke are looking to quit, but only about 7% who try every year will succeed at it. The benefits of quitting smoking are significant. Finding a support system and relatable resources can help you along the path to quitting.

Some resources to know about include:

The takeaway

Nicotine is the active substance in tobacco, which is used in cigarettes and some vaping products. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is known as the “feel-good” chemical. It can help regulate your mood, sleep, memory, and pleasure.

Smoking nicotine causes an increase in dopamine levels, which makes you feel good. Chasing after this feel-good sensation is what can lead to nicotine addiction.

Giving up nicotine can be very difficult, but if you’re able to quit, your body can start to recover. Dopamine levels may return to usual levels over time, and other nicotine-related health issues will have time to improve.

1. Why does food containing sugar make the body feel comfortable?
A very very long time ago, maybe millions of years ago, when ancient humans lived mainly in herds and clans, the way of finding food at that time mainly revolved around gathering and hunting; ensuring energy to do the above two things was extremely important because it helped optimize survival and foods containing sugar at this time were considered the perfect choice for storing energy. This genetic trait exists and is preserved in the brains of modern humans until today, right from birth, our brains have a built-in sweet tooth mechanism and every time you eat sweets, you will feel extremely comfortable. The main factor responsible for this is the brain’s reward system (mesolimbic dopamine system), every time you eat sugary foods, this function is immediately activated to secrete dopamine. Dopamine, after being secreted from nerve cells, will send a signal to the body to let it know that the event that just happened (eating sweets) is a positive event. As soon as this reward system is activated, it makes the body feel the desire to repeat that action again. You may not know, dopamine is also known as the happy hormone, this is also the hormone secreted when playing games, having sex or using stimulants, alcohol, etc.

2. How is dopamine related to nicotine?

Similar to consuming sugar, nicotine also has the ability to increase dopamine levels in the body as soon as it is absorbed into the blood and both of these substances create an extremely dangerous phenomenon in the long term for the body, which is “short-term false alertness”. When you eat a cake when you are hungry, you will feel comfortable and full of energy but in fact this is just an illusion because the brain is tricked and using nicotine also causes a similar state, the thing to note here is that this feeling disappears very quickly. And because it disappears so quickly, it is easy to abuse and the sad thing is that the more you abuse it, the faster this feeling disappears. People addicted to sweets have now become obese and people addicted to nicotine have begun to develop respiratory diseases and many other diseases. However, unlike traditional cigarettes (TLTT), electronic cigarettes (TLĐT) or vape have not been studied enough to know whether it causes any lung diseases or other diseases, it is too early to confirm but one thing I am sure of is that nicotine abuse on TLĐT is becoming more and more dangerous than ever.

3. How dangerous is nicotine abuse on e-cigarettes?

An average e-cigarette contains about 10-12mg of nicotine, but the amount of nicotine contained in e-cigarettes is not 100% absorbed into the body but is scattered a lot due to the burning process, only about 1.2-1.8mg (~20%) of nicotine is absorbed into the body in each cigarette, which is ~22-36mg per pack. However, this is a thing of the past.

Back to the present, owning a bottle of 30-50mg essential oil is extremely easy and because it is so easy, many of us think that it is simple and there is no problem, this is an extremely dangerous and wrong thought.

The first mistake is that the way to absorb nicotine in TLĐT is completely different from TLTT. Instead of burning, TLĐT uses heat to vaporize the essential oil and 100% of the nicotine you smoke is absorbed into the body, meaning that the concentration of nicotine absorbed by the body is ~5 times higher than TLTT at the same nicotine level.

The second mistake is that the nicotine content listed on a bottle of vape essential oil is calculated in ml (milliliter). If a bottle of juice says 5% or 50MG, it means that 1ml contains 50MG of nicotine, not the whole bottle of juice. The packaging of salt nic is 30ml*50mg=1500mg, this is the amount of nicotine equivalent to using up ~40-70 packs of cigarettes. An extremely worthy number for us to think about, especially in the current context when vape users are tending to get younger very quickly.

4. Self-love is also a positive emotion
In addition to causing the brain to secrete more dopamine than usual, nicotine also stimulates the adrenal glands to release a large amount of adrenaline, causing the heart to beat faster, blood to circulate faster and breathing to become somewhat rapid. Adrenaline is a hormone that is usually only secreted when the body senses danger in the surrounding environment or when you are in a state of anxiety. This is also one of the factors that cause “short-term false alertness”. Anything that is abused is not good, we should look straight at this truth to have the most reasonable way to use it.

Eating a lot of sweets will make you fat, but eating less will make you delicious and help regulate your emotions; nicotine is the same, if abused, your body will become dependent, but if used at the allowed level, you will be alert and mentally comfortable. This is not an article introducing products or buying and selling, through this article, The Vapist wants to send you important information that you may have missed because you have to keep up with the hustle and bustle of life out there.

If possible, make sure you use vape with a moderate dose of nicotine, enough to stay alert and not make your body fall into a state of dependence. See you in the next articles on

In addition to vaping, we also encourage you to love yourself by shopping for cute little fashion products from in the picture below.


Thank you for reading the article.


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